import { Radio } from '@viamrobotics/prime-core';
<Radio name="basic" options={['Lion', 'Tiger', 'Bear']} selected="Lion"/>
<Radio name="legend" options={['Lion', 'Tiger', 'Bear']} selected="Lion"> <svelte:fragment slot="legend">Favorite animal</svelte:fragment></Radio>
<Radio options={['Lion', 'Tiger', 'Bear']} selected="Lion" required> <svelte:fragment slot="legend">Favorite animal</svelte:fragment></Radio>
<Radio name="disabled" options={['Lion', 'Tiger', 'Bear']} selected="Lion" disabled> <svelte:fragment slot="legend">Favorite animal</svelte:fragment></Radio>
Upload a new model
Upload a new version of a model that already exists in Viam
<Radio name="Upload model" options={[ { label: 'New model', value: 'new model', description: 'Upload a new model' }, { label: 'New version', value: 'new version', description: 'Upload a new version of a model that already exists in Viam' } ]} selected="new model"> <svelte:fragment slot="legend">Upload model</svelte:fragment></Radio>
Can be used by external organizations
Only for internal use within this organization
<Radio name="Visibility" options={[ { label: 'Public', value: 'public', description: 'Can be used by external organizations', icon: 'earth' }, { label: 'Private', value: 'private', description: 'Only for internal use within this organization', icon: 'lock' } ]} selected="public"> <svelte:fragment slot="legend">Visibility</svelte:fragment></Radio>